
A tip for getting rid of that annoying salesperson.

the sales cycleI really resent it when salespeople ask me leading questions. I looked for a long time for a quick, but polite, way to disarm them.

I found it when I heard this tip from a sales workshop:

If you can get a prospective customer to answer, ‘Yes,’ to any question you ask, you’re more likely to make the sale.

Aha! Then saying “no” to every question should help them go away, right?

Here is an actual conversation I had way back when telemarketers called to try to get you to switch providers.

Phone: Chirp…chirp…chirp…


Annoying Salesperson: “Good morning. I’m calling to help you save money on your wireless service.”

“No, thank you.”

confused salespersonAnnoying Salesperson: “Wouldn’t you like to save money on your wireless service?”


Annoying Salesperson: “Don’t you want to pay less for your wireless service every month?”

“No. I love my wireless provider. I consider the money I pay them every month to be a gift. I’d pay more if I could.”

Phone: Click.

:: grin ::